Contributing to Khaleesi development

Getting Started with Khaleesi.

see Prerequisites

Help, I can’t run this thing

Look under the khaleesi/tools/wrappers directory

Code Review (IMPORTANT)

Pull requests will not be looked at on khaleesi github. Code submissions should be done via gerrithub ( Please sign up with and your github credentials to make submissions. Additional permissions on the project will need to be done on a per-user basis.

When you set up your account on, it is not necessary to import your existing khaleesi fork.:

yum install git-review

To set up your repo for gerrit:

Add a new remote to your working tree:

git remote add gerrit ssh://

Replace username with your gerrithub username.

Now run:

git review -s
scp -p -P 29418 `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg

Again, replace username with your gerrithub username.

Required Ansible version

Ansible 1.8.2 is now required.

Std{out,err} callback plugin

To use the callback plugin that will log all stdout, stderr, and other data about most tasks, you must set the ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS envvar. You can also set the KHALEESI_LOG_PATH envvar. KHALEESI_LOG_PATH defaults to /tmp/stdstream_logs.:

export ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS=$WORKSPACE/khaleesi/plugins/callbacks export KHALEESI_LOG_PATH=$WORKSPACE/ansible_log

Khaleesi use cases

Check khaleesi Usage

Handling workarounds

As OpenStack code and also general tools/libraries from distribution may contain bugs responsible for blocking installation, running or behaviour of OpenStack, it can be necessary or very helpfull to implement workaround for the time while the bug is being properly fixed.

Basically any bug has to be reported first in corresponding place (eg. Red Hat Bugzilla, Launchpad, ...), idealy with possible workaround described there before implementation in khaleesi happens.

To reflect this there is common style how to implement workarounds, to support tracking them and obtaining their bug status overview, and examples for overriding workaround usage per single run.

How to implement workarounds

  1. workaround has to have it’s flag set in khaleesi-settings (per product/version/...):
    • in ‘workarounds:{}’ top level dict
    • flag value should be also dict, with boolean property enabled (true|false)
    • has to be named in format [bug-tracker-prefix][bug-number-ident] where prefixes are:
      • rhbz for Red Hat Bugzilla
      • lp for Launchpad
    • for example workarounds.rhbz1138740.enabled=true
  2. it’s implementation may be:
    • single task (guarded by when: workarounds | bug(flag) condition)
    • whole play(s) scoped to group after group_by with when condition
    • group name has to be in form workaround_[flag] where the flag means the key used in workarounds settings dictionary (eg. rhbz1138740). to not cause confusion with regular groups (imagine usage of group names like nova_something etc)

Example of enabling the workaround in settings (same for both following examples):

# khaleesi-settings:settings/product/rdo/kilo.yml
        desc: "Workaround BZ#1138740: Install nova-objectstore for S3 tests"
        enabled: True
        enabled: True

Example of single-task workaround:

# khaleesi:playbooks/.../some.yml
# can be some already existing play

- hosts: somenodes

    # ... snip ... (part of bigger play)
    # you just add one task in the list like following one:

    - fileinline: tempest.conf enable_s3_tests=true
      when: workarounds | bug('rhbz1138740')

Example of multi-task workaround Play (utilizing group_by):

# khaleesi:playbooks/.../some.yml
# ... snip ... following is what you are adding:

- hosts: controller
    - group_by: key=workaround_rhbz1138740
      when: workarounds| bug('rhbz1138740')

- name: Workaround BZ#1138740 Install Nova Object Store for S3 tests
  hosts: workaround_rhbz1138740
    - yum: ...
    - service: ...

Bug status overview

For getting overview of currently implemented workarounds, which follow this guide, You can use helper tool which detects them in the code and provides more detailed description (fetched from bugtrackers), to see all workarounds present in the settings yamls:

$ cd khaleesi
$ ./tools/workaround_status ./settings

... list of bugs, their title, state and url, also in which yamls we enable them ...

But as some workarounds can be for older version of OpenStack, and so marked as resolved in newer versions, this will show warning that some of the bugs are already closed (as there are settings for older versions too).

So instead of settings folder, You can point it at the ksgen_settings.yaml file to get overview of workarounds used in specific job run, where there normally shouldn’t be any workaround for closed bug, unless it’s just freshly resolved and author of the workaround didn’t revalidated it yet:

$ ksgen ...
$ ./tools/workaround_status ksgen_settings.yaml

... partial list of information about bugs,
... for just those in use (enabled) for given configuration

Overriding workaround usage

Workarounds are enabled by default (based on values in settings), to disable all of them by force use:

ksgen ... --extra-vars 'workarounds={}'

to disable (or force enable) specific one:

ksgen ... --extra-vars '{"workarounds": {"rhbz1138740": {"enabled": true}}}'

Variables meaning

  • This variable can come with the following values: latest, ga, last_known_good. It is used to construct the path to the images, like: product.images.url.rhos.8-directory.latest.7.2
  • product.full_version: The component to test, can be either: - OSP: 7, 7-director, 8, 8-director or - RDO: Juno, Kilo, Liberty
  • product.core_product_version: The major version number of the product, e.g: 7 or 8.
  • product.repo_type: Can be either puddle or poodle for OSP or delorean and deorean_mgt for RDO. - puddle: automatic snapshot of the development repositories (core and OSP-d) - poodle: a poodle is a stabilized version of the repository (core only) - delorean: a delorean build result or RDO - delorean_mgt: a delorean build result of RDO-manager (deprecated)
  • product.repo.poodle_pin_version: Define a specific version of the poodle. The value can either be latest or specify a given version like 2015-12-03.1. The variable is in use only if product.repo_type is poodle.
  • product.repo.puddle_pin_version: Like for product.repo.poodle_pin_version but for a core puddle. The variable is in use only if product.repo_type is poodle.
  • product.repo.puddle_director_pin_version: The OSP-d puddle version to test. Default is latest. This variable is enable only if product.repo_type is puddle.
  • product.repo.delorean_pin_version: Pin on this dolorean build hash.