kcli - Khaleesi CLI tool

kcli is intended to reduce Khaleesi users’ dependency on external CLI tools.



Khaleesi is based on ansible so for setup to work, kcli requires ansible installed:

$ pip install ansible

from khaleesi directory.

$ cd tools/kcli
$ python setup.py install # do this in the ``kcli`` directory

Running kcli

Assumes that kcli is installed, else follow Setup.

You can get general usage information with the --help option:

kcli --help

This displays options you can pass to kcli.

KCLI execute


This is a wrapper for the ansible-playbook command. In verbose mode, the equivalent anisble command will be printed.

Executes pre-configured ansible-playbooks, with given settings YAML file generated by ksgen. if no settings file is defined, will look for the default name ksgen_settings.yml:

kcli [-vvvv] [--settings SETTINGS] execute [-i INVENTORY] [--provision] [--install] [--test] [--collect-logs] [--cleanup]